Monarda fistulosa L.

A plant of moist stream banks and the like, found in most of the United States. In New Mexico, this is the only Monarda with capitate (rather than verticillate) inflorescences.

An inflorescence in the western Jemez Mountains, Sandoval County, New Mexico, 19 Jun 2006.

Plant habit in the western Jemez Mountains, 19 Jun 2006.

A cauline leaf in the western Jemez Mountains, 19 Jun 2006.

Inflorescences in Iron Canyon on the west side of the Black Range, Grant County, New Mexico, 10 Jul 2005.

Plant habit near Cedar Bluff, south of Bloomington, Indiana, 19 Jul 2004.

A cauline leaf in Iron Canyon, 10 Jul 2005.

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